Itamar Treves-Tchelet

Itamar Treves-Tchelet

Itamar Treves-Tchelet

Vienna <=> Budapest <=> Pardesia (IL) / Neverland


A big salad a la Matbucha

born in Israel, lived in Switzerland, than back in Israel, now spending his time between the two capitals of the Austro-Hungarian empire. Writes about yesterday, now and tomorrow. Believes that the world is not divided into rich and poor, beautiful or ugly, Israeli or Palestinian, not even Jewish, Muslim or Christian. No! There are two kinds of people in this world: Those WITH, and those WITHOUT sense of humor! People without sense of humor will never admit it.

The repressed story of the Austrian railway

The express night train from Vienna to Prague was supposed to leave at 23:15. But in the evening of March 11th 1938 at 20:00, thousands of people were pushing each other, squeezing themselves into the train while demanding to depart immediately. Suddenly, the S.A troops showed up with their whips, drunk from victory and eager for revenge. One by one, they went from wagon to wagon, pulling men, women and children back to the platform, leading them to prison (reconstructed and non original version)

This is how George Eric Gedye, a British journalist, described the events in Vienna’s in the evening before the famous “Anschluss”, the annexation of Austria to Nazi Germany.

This was also the evening that changed the history of the Austrian railway company.



1 Guy, 60 Languages, Amazing!

A moment before the interview started, Muhamed Mesic was having an oversea conversation with a work colleague in Spanish. “We have some legal issues with the government of Guatemala; they run their affairs there like in Iraq or Syria”, he switches to a perfectly formulated Hebrew and then apologizes: “Sorry for my bad language. I haven’t spoken Hebrew since 2009”. The truth? One cannot notice. Apparently this is how it feels like when you speak more than 60 languages, not including a holding few academic degrees in Law, Judaism, International Relations and Japanology. And all these before even turning 28.



Zivil heiraten in Israel – oder so ähnlich…

Der Artikel wurde in der Juni Ausgabe von WINA – dem wiener-jüdischen Stadtmagazin veröffentlicht.

Israel gilt heute als die einzige Demokratie der Welt, in der Paare eine Ehe nur religiös schließen können. Gemäß geltendem Recht, das ein Relikt aus der Herrschaft der Osmanen vom Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts ist, werden Eheschliessungen nur religiös durchgeführt. Und diese ausschließlich bei anerkannten Religionen: Judentum, Christentum, Islam und bei den Drusen. Andere Gruppen, die nicht diesen vier angehören, werden als „konfessionslos“ betrachtet, und können nicht heiraten. Dies gilt auch für interreligiöse Paare.

Dementsprechend, sind die Zivilehen eines der am stärksten diskutierten Themen in der jüdischen-israelischen Gesellschaft der letzten 20 Jahre geworden. Das Oberrabbinat Israels ist die Behörde, die das exklusive Recht besitzt jüdische Ehen zu schließen. Dies wurde 1947 als Bedingung von „Agudat Israel“ (heutzutage eine charedische-politische Partei) an David Ben Gurion gestellt. Ben Gurion, der die Unterstüzung der Religiösen beim Kampf um die Grüdung des Staates brauchte, sagte zwar nicht direkt zu, aber konnte auch nicht direkt ablehnen. Seither gilt das Thema Eheschließungen in Israel als Hornissennest: bis heute hat es keine Regierung gewagt, diesen empfindlichen Status Quo zu ändern der das fragile Gleichgewicht zwischen Religiösen und Sekulären ins Wanken bringen könnte. Nun mussten Paare, die diesen religösen Anforderungen nicht folgen wollten, oder Paare, deren Hochzeitsantrag aufgrund von halachischen Gründen abgelehnt wurde, sich also auf die Suche nach Alternativen machen. Im Laufe der Zeit haben sie auch solche gefunden.



Die neuen Juden

Wir fahren mit der Straßenbahn. Wir sitzen auch ab und zu im Kaffeehaus. Wenn man richtig hinschaut (und zuhört…), kann man uns sogar beim Wiener Schnitzel naschen erwischen. Beinahe echte Wiener sind wir schon geworden. Und neuerdings, man trifft uns sogar in der Synagoge. Jawohl, meine Damen und Herren: Die Wiener-Israelis haben das Judentum wieder entdeckt! Aber bevor wir einen feierlichen Kigel backen und die Gläser erheben, müssen wir noch einiges gestehen, ja uns sogar entschuldigen.








Viennese Cowboy in the Middle East

Click here for the Hebrew version

The two brown horses gallop lightly on the famous Viennese Ringstrasse. Calmly, ignoring all the cars driving by, from left and right. “This part is called Karl-Lueger-Ring, after the former Mayor, who happened to be a big Anti-Semite. Last week I heard that the city is going to rename it – justified I must say”, the carter explains, surprisingly in Hebrew! Well, not an academic Hebrew, “but good enough for the kitchen”, he admits.



Yom Hazikaron 2012

On this day, we commemorate the 22,993 fallen Israeli soldiers, and thousands of Israeli Terror victims, who lost their lives for the sake of the State of Israel.

I took upon myself to free-translate a poem, written by Giora Fischer, who lost his son Merom (Moses) during a military operation in Jenin in 2002.

The hebrew version:

תְּפִילָה/ גיורא פישר

מִי יִתֵּן
וְאֶהְיֶה כְּבָר זָקֵן
אִם אָז אֶשְׁאַל:
לָמָּה הוּא לאֺ בָּא לְבַקֵּר?
אַל תּאֺמְרוּ:
אֲבָל, הוּא נָפַל
לִפְנֵי הֲמוֹן זְמַן.
הוּא הָיָה פֺּה אֶתְמוֹל
וְאָמַר שֶׁיָּבוֹא גַּם מָחָר.

The english version (free translation):

Prayer/Giora Fischer

If only
I am already old,

If then I asked:
Why didn’t he come to visit?

Don’t say:
But, he has fallen
long ago.

He was here yesterday,
and said he would come tomorrow again


The amazing story of Marko Feingold

When I asked Marko ‘Max-Mordechai’ Feingold, the President of the Jewish Community in Salzburg, about his feelings after lying a “Stolperstein” carrying the name of another Nazi-victim, the old man just put his hands on the left chest, as saying: “my heart stops beating for a moment”. This was the 150th time his heart lacked this very heartbeat since he initiated the project in his hometown in 2005. Not the healthiest thing to do when you are a Holocaust survivor and you approach the age of 99. But Feingold does not care.



Stories of post-Nazi era

I have just returned from a journey through several Extermination Camps in Poland. The stories that you’re about to read, simply popped up during this terrible but wonderful trip (which included a feature magnificent coincidence). Also, I sincerely think that every person deserves to visit Auschwitz at least once, the same way as everyone deserves to experience pure happiness, at least once. This good-evil-good axis is also commonly known as…life.


…the old man looked a bit odd. His hair untidy, his glasses out of fashion. He behaved very insecure. Nobody wears these pyjama-like brown shirts anymore. Especially not with a yellow Star of David on the chest. For 200 EUR you can get one of those, second hand though, but still yellow. “Our revenge is the fact that we both are still here”, I said to him. “We are still living in Naziland”, he answered.

All I could do was simply getting out of the very non-kosher McDonald’s…



10 proofs that Eric Cartman is Jewish

Cartman in denial? (Image: Southpark)

I love Southpark. No, it’s not that I haven’t grown up since Junior High.
OK, maybe…please don’t judge me! But now seriously: the reason why I like it so much is that nowadays, this is the only way to enjoy (very) nether humor as an adult. I mean, where can you find another show that takes all the happenings in this world, as paramount as they may be, and reduces them to the simplest, rejecting and line-crossing toilet-humor? I say only that politics has never seemed so interesting ever since this show was aired. And please, let us have only Idiots as world leaders!

And if you like Southpark, you cannot-not have a special place in your heart for Eric Cartman. This little disgusting, spoiled, furious, homophobic, piggy and foremost anti-Semitic cub… READ MORE