Official Video- Maccabi Chai (European Maccabi Games 2015 Berlin)

„Maccabi Chai“, is the latest song by German-Israeli band Jewdyssee. It links the Orient to the Occident, the Middle East to the Eastern Bloc, and balalaika to club sounds. The band and lead singer Maya Saban produced a song for the 14th European Maccabi Games, which picks up a traditional sound combined with fresh pop music and electro beats, and immediately moves people to dance.
The 14th European Maccabi Games (EMG2015) will take place from July 27th until August 5th, 2015 in Germany for the first time. Over 2,000 athletes from 30 countries are expected to compete in Europe’s biggest Jewish sports event in Berlin. The EMG2015 are a sign of the European idea of unity and a plea for open and tolerant social interaction. The EMG2015 transfer the new German-Jewish self-perception to the public and represent the German and European Jews’ future which is characterized by friendship, trust and confidence.
Jewdyssee accomplishes to transport this self-perception in their new song and produce a unique anthem for the EMG2015!
The song’s title “Maccabi Chai” means “Maccabi lives” and is the slogan of all about 450 Maccabi sports clubs worldwide.

„Competing in Sports – United at Heart“

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Video by Cosmo Klein
Camera: Rool Rovner
Additional Material by Samson Schneidermann & Maccabi World Union
Written,Composed & Produced by Maya Saban, Nicolas Börger & Cosmo Klein



„Competing in Sports – United at Heart“ EMG MACCABI CHAI

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Released by: MCN MUSIC



„MACCABI CHAI“ is the new song by German-Israeli band JEWDYSSEE
The exclusive EMG2015 song will be released on NOVEMBER 19!


more details to come….

The 14th European Maccabi Games (EMG2015) will take place from July 27th until August 5th, 2015 in Germany for the first time. The band and lead singer Maya Saban produced a song for the 14th European Maccabi Games Berlin 2015, which picks up a traditional sound combined with fresh pop music and electro beats. Coming Soon!!! MACCABI CHAI!


The Jewish activists played an important role in the revolutionary movement, which originated in the Russian Empire at the turn of the XX century and eventually led to the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 and the establishment of the USSR. Some opposers of the revolution even labeled it the ‘Jewish’ one, due to a substantial number of Jewish people (Leon Trotsky being the best known example) behind the turnover. This period of Russian history was indicated by a massive rise of various movements. Workers, communists, anarchists, zionists, independence fighters were all starting their fight. Many of these were indeed lead by Jewish people or actually were Jewish movements (like zionism or BUND , Jewish Workers’ Union). Some memories have survived the massive repressions of the 1930s, which have demolished what was left of the revolutionary spirit. Some were completely forgotten. Aron Baron was probably one of the most rebellious and   unchained leaders, causing unrest in any place he arrived to. But while many were fighting hard for the new government to take power, Baron’s life goal was to fight any form of government, power and order.



World’s biggest Jewish community center opens in Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

The biggest (and probably the most splendid as well) Jewish community center in the world was recently opened in Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine. The building, reminiscent both of an ultra modern tower complex and a pre-war constructivism dream, is called ‘Menorah’. Seven towers constituting the building indeed look like Menorah candles, especially at night, when each tower glows with a powerful illumination, looking somewhat like a spaceship landed on the banks of river Dnipro. In the daytime, the towers are shining with a precious Israeli marble. The immense 50,000 sqm construction, which encircles the old synagogue, hosts a luxurious hotel, a youth hostel, a restaurant, a concert hall, a museum dedicated to the story of Jewish life and the Holocaust in Ukraine, a tourism center, office premises and many more. This set is not random: the center is planned to be a ‘harmonious combination of spirituality, culture and business’ as well as to become an important landmark for the whole city and country population disregarding faith or background.



A Jew and a Zhyd

Picture by

A Ukrainian-born American actress Mila Kunis could have become a real pride of the country and join a beautiful company of other Hollywood beauties of Ukrainian heritages (listing her namesake Mila Jovovich, Bond girl Olga Kurylenko and many more). Instead, she unwittingly became a part of a nationalistic provocation.

It’s not that Ms Kunis is not talented enough to be an example of a Ukrainian success story in Hollywood. It’s just that some people strongly believe that a person can only be either Ukrainian or Jewish. Mila belongs to the second group; hence, it’s Jewish people who can be proud of her if they wish, but not Ukrainians.



Between a Star and a Hoodie

Street Art Near Warschauer Bridge

I feel like a sinner confessing to a priest. I apologize for my blogging neglect; it has been nearly two months since my last update.

Previously I was discussing my plans for a move to Berlin. I have started and promptly ended a new entry about my stay in Germany a dozen times. The problem was not that I had nothing to say, but rather, was what I had to say particularly Jewish, or the same ramblings of any American 20-something doing the whole ‘globe-trotting’ thing? Was the star around my neck the driving force of my experiences or the Bruce Springsteen hoodie clinging to my body with pride?

Currently I am in the Netherlands, and with distance comes the possibility to unpack certain scenes that happened in Berlin that a non-Jewish American or other traveler would have experienced differently, or not at all:

* My first shower in Germany. I was seven when my mother tried to explain the horrors of the Holocaust. It was always her policy not to sugar-coat things in baby talk (but how can genocide be sugar-coated anyway?), and she said that the Nazis (or did she say Germans back then?) killed the Jews in showers of poison, instead of water. She probably explained the whole history leading up to that ending, but all I retained from her lesson was the poison water. The next time I turned the faucet on to take a shower, I stood there for minutes, staring at the water. How do you know if it’s poison or not? My mother screamed from outside the bathroom, “Do you think I own ComEd (the utility company)?” My mother’s disapproval was more real to me than evil ghost Nazis in our pipes, and I promptly jumped into the path of the water. Fast-forward nearly two decades: I stood outside a shower in a town called Neuenhagen, outside of Berlin. I knew the water wasn’t Zyklon B and that, regardless of the NPD story on the front page of the local newspaper I read that morning in the breakfast nook decorated with medieval-style woodcarvings of saints, no Nazis were operating the piping system. But it felt weird. Taking a shower in Germany. Normal events bringing up atrocities in my mind. I finished with the shower and brushed my teeth. It felt like brushing my teeth.

* Finding this book in my host family’s bookshelf:

Needs more Natalie Portman, less of this guy.



Menorah Center in Ukraine

Last week the worlds biggest Jewish Community Center “Menorah” was opened in Dnipropetrovsk (Ukraine).

A lot of people are wondering why Dnipropetrovsk and not such famous jewish cities as Odessa, Uman or Kiev?

Most of the jewish and non jewish people don’t know that the jewish history in this city has started long before this city

was founded and thats why it has always been one of the most jewish cities of the eastern Europe.



Explaining Israeli elections through popular TV shows

Person of Interest Aryeh Deri of Shas is Prison Break – making a comeback to the political party he led thirteen years ago after a long stint in prison for financial corruption. But first he has to push current leader Eli Yishai aside.

Yishai, a hardliner on asylum seekers, refugees, and anybody else who is not ultra-Orthodox Jewish, will say and do anything to keep his position, so he’s Lie To Me.

Together, Deri and Yishai are Supernatural; just like the party they’re in.

Olmert, convicted on charges of corruption, is the Sopranos.

Many in the legal and academic institutions in Israel see the return of Deri and Olmert as the season of Criminal Minds.

Current Kadima chief and Leader of the Opposition Shaul Mofaz is Walking Dead, because Kadima is not expected to survive the coming elections. READ MORE


THX “Jewish Voice From Germany”