„MACCABI CHAI“ is the new song by German-Israeli band JEWDYSSEE
The exclusive EMG2015 song will be released on NOVEMBER 19!
more details to come….
The 14th European Maccabi Games (EMG2015) will take place from July 27th until August 5th, 2015 in Germany for the first time. The band and lead singer Maya Saban produced a song for the 14th European Maccabi Games Berlin 2015, which picks up a traditional sound combined with fresh pop music and electro beats. Coming Soon!!! MACCABI CHAI!
To Oma & Bella
Last year my australian cousin called me really overwhelmed! She just had seen the documentary Oma & Bella in Melbourne thanks to the Jewish International Film Festival.
“It’s awsome! she told me! This two ladies rocks! So vivid and full of life! You would love it she concluded. Yes me and my cousin we share a passion for food and specially eastern jewish recipies! When i last visited her, I learnt a lot watching her cooking even though she will argue she was not…
So i made some research. Who are Oma & Bella?
The 80 something Oma & Bella are two friends and there are living together in their appartment in Berlin for more than five years. One is from Poland, the other from Vilnus. They go to the market together and cook as it used to be in their home before the war, with passion, without recipies or graduation measures…!!!!
Oma’s granddaughter Alexa decided to make a movie and to catch these instants of life, humour, cooking and above all friendship.
During the war, Oma went to camp, and Bella escaped from the Vilnus ghetto. They lost everything and instead of flying away as many after the war, they stayed in Berlin because it was their home…
In the past two years, Oma & Bella ‘s story travelled to New York, Beirut, Melbourne, Sydney, Tel Aviv… A cook book is now available written both in German and English. Last month the movie won the Grimme Price in Berlin!
Today, i’m sorry to tell you that Bella passed away… She will be forever in our hearts.
“Bella taught me what it means to love, to be a friend and to stand by what you believe, no matter the consequences. She will be so missed and forever remembered. Please send all your love and strength to my grandmother. And please, if you see her around the streets of Charlottenburg, always say hello.Thank you.” Said Alexa Oma’s granddaughter.
Lomir tanzn, lomir singen, lomir lachn with Oma & Bella forever! Lchaim!!!!! To life!
Why Yiddish today????!!!!
To my dear cousin from my America,
I can’t focus on my yiddish exercices tonight, too tired… but listening to Isaac Bashevis Singer’s Yiddish speech in Stockholm (1978) makes me feel so good!
But who is Ita Malka?

TARBUT PARTY feat. JEWDYSSEE (Wiesbaden 21.09)
Electro Swing und Weltmusik Konzert + Party in der RÄUCHERKAMMER
21.09. Sa / Einlass 23:00 / Beginn 24:00 / AK 6,00 €
Kulturzentrum Schlachthof
Wiesbaden e.V.
Murnaustr. 1
(ehemals Gartenfeldstraße 57)
65189 Wiesbaden
Related show
Berlin – Here I come!
I can’t believe I’m actually writing this blog post. It’s been far too long ago, and I’m sorry. I guess, life has been filled with too many projects the last year and now I’m finally ready to talk about them.
Four major things happened in 2012:
1) I dug out that courage within me and finally booked a ticket to Ukraine, to do that trip I always dreamt of. For two weeks I travelled around in Western Ukraine, in my grandfathers footsteps, alone. Discovered the place where he was born, the city where he grew up and sadly also the city where his family died during the Second World War. I will write a blogpost about this trip and about my family research (a pretty amazing story) very soon!
2) Got elected as one of the youngest members of the Jewish Community Council in Stockholm. Really looking forward to get going with this mission, being a more active part of the Jewish Community.
3) Went to Belarus with a Swedish Television crew from “Uppdrag Granskning” (Mission: Investigation), filming the TV documentary ‘The Black Boxes’ about the telecom company TeliaSonera and their cooperation with secret services in dictatorships, which started a huge debate in Sweden and internationally about corporate responsibilities.
4) Went to Poland with my cousin, producing our first Radio Documentary together, about the political happenings and antisemitic campaign in Poland 1968, also a little trip back to our mothers roots…
It’s a new year now, and I hope that this year will be filled with at least as many interesting happenings as last year… I already have one thing to look forward to. Guess what! In a week from now I’m going to Berlin, for the first time in my life. I’m so happy to be one of 50 participants from all over the world, at the ‘Shifting Thought Shifting Action‘, starting next sunday in Berlin, where change-makers of Jewish life in Europe are gathering to re:envision the future of Jewish communities in Europe. I’ll be listening to and meeting loads of interesting people, but also have a session/workshop myself, where I’ll be talking about campaigning; how to reach out and succeed with your goals (actually, how to CHANGE; change the society, change the world, you name it). I’m so much looking forward to this. I’m sure that these few days will be really inspiring when it comes to my work within the Jewish Community of Stockholm, but also life in general.
I always wanted to go to Berlin! Now I’m finally doing it. See you soon!
Late-Night-Show mit der norddeutschen Kabarettistin, Sängerin und Moderatorin Ina Müller. Den Abend beschließt die Band ‘Jewdyssee’, die jiddische Klassiker mit modernen Club- und Popsounds verbindet. Da wippen auch die 20 Herren des Wilhelmsburger Shanty-Chors die ‘Tampentrekker’ vergnügt vor den Fenstern des ‘Schellfischposten’ mit, wo sie wie immer bei Wind und Wetter auf ihre Einsätze warten. Jewdyssee tritt mit dem Song Yankele auf. Am 12.1 spielt die sechsköpfige Band um Maya Saban herum den Song aus ihrem aktuellen Album “5773″
Folge 5 - Samstag, den 12. Januar 2013, 23:30 – 00:30 Ausstrahlung ARD
Moderation: Ina Müller
Gäste: Steffen Henssler, Sven Plöger, Johannes Oerding, Jewdyssee
Late-Night-Show mit der norddeutschen Kabarettistin, Sängerin und Moderatorin Ina Müller und nach Müllerin Art: Talk, Comedy und viel, viel Musik in der kleinen Hamburger Kneipe ‘Zum Schellfischposten’. Heute begrüßt Ina Müller zunächst den Starkoch Steffen Henssler. Der möchte seine Sushi-Kreationen vorführen und diese spontan per Lieferservice im eigenen nahegelegenen Restaurant bestellen – kommt nur leider telefonisch nicht durch. Nach Hensslers fulminantem Udo Lindenberg-Musikauftritt kommt der TV-Meteorologe Sven Plöger hinzu. Er verspricht Ina Müller, ihr ein Wetterhoch mit obszönen Namen zu schenken, und klärt über das Wesen der berühmten norddeutschen Sturmfrisur auf. Erster Musikgast dieses Abends ist Johannes Oerding, der mit Gitarre, Stimme und im Duett mit Ina Müller einen seiner neuen Songs vorstellt. Den Abend beschließt die Band ‘Jewdyssee’, die jiddische Klassiker mit modernen Club- und Popsounds verbindet. Da wippen auch die 20 Herren des Wilhelmsburger Shanty-Chors die ‘Tampentrekker’ vergnügt vor den Fenstern des ‘Schellfischposten’ mit, wo sie wie immer bei Wind und Wetter auf ihre Einsätze warten. 14 Personen bestreiten das Publikum – mehr passen nicht rein bei ‘Inas Nacht’, aber die dürfen dafür mit Bierdeckel-Fragen ein bisschen mithelfen. Und alle werden wieder bestens versorgt von der Kneipenwirtin Frau Müller – nicht verwandt und verschwägert mit Ina. Klingt leicht chaotisch? Soll es auch!