Official Video- Maccabi Chai (European Maccabi Games 2015 Berlin)

„Maccabi Chai“, is the latest song by German-Israeli band Jewdyssee. It links the Orient to the Occident, the Middle East to the Eastern Bloc, and balalaika to club sounds. The band and lead singer Maya Saban produced a song for the 14th European Maccabi Games, which picks up a traditional sound combined with fresh pop music and electro beats, and immediately moves people to dance.
The 14th European Maccabi Games (EMG2015) will take place from July 27th until August 5th, 2015 in Germany for the first time. Over 2,000 athletes from 30 countries are expected to compete in Europe’s biggest Jewish sports event in Berlin. The EMG2015 are a sign of the European idea of unity and a plea for open and tolerant social interaction. The EMG2015 transfer the new German-Jewish self-perception to the public and represent the German and European Jews’ future which is characterized by friendship, trust and confidence.
Jewdyssee accomplishes to transport this self-perception in their new song and produce a unique anthem for the EMG2015!
The song’s title “Maccabi Chai” means “Maccabi lives” and is the slogan of all about 450 Maccabi sports clubs worldwide.

„Competing in Sports – United at Heart“

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Video by Cosmo Klein
Camera: Rool Rovner
Additional Material by Samson Schneidermann & Maccabi World Union
Written,Composed & Produced by Maya Saban, Nicolas Börger & Cosmo Klein




Late-Night-Show mit der norddeutschen Kabarettistin, Sängerin und Moderatorin Ina Müller. Den Abend beschließt die Band ‘Jewdyssee’, die jiddische Klassiker mit modernen Club- und Popsounds verbindet. Da wippen auch die 20 Herren des Wilhelmsburger Shanty-Chors die ‘Tampentrekker’ vergnügt vor den Fenstern des ‘Schellfischposten’ mit, wo sie wie immer bei Wind und Wetter auf ihre Einsätze warten. Jewdyssee tritt mit dem Song Yankele auf. Am 12.1 spielt die sechsköpfige Band um Maya Saban herum den Song aus ihrem aktuellen Album “5773″



Folge 5 - Samstag, den 12. Januar 2013, 23:30 – 00:30 Ausstrahlung ARD
Moderation: Ina Müller
Gäste: Steffen Henssler, Sven Plöger, Johannes Oerding, Jewdyssee

Informationen zur Sendung ->

Late-Night-Show mit der norddeutschen Kabarettistin, Sängerin und Moderatorin Ina Müller und nach Müllerin Art: Talk, Comedy und viel, viel Musik in der kleinen Hamburger Kneipe ‘Zum Schellfischposten’. Heute begrüßt Ina Müller zunächst den Starkoch Steffen Henssler. Der möchte seine Sushi-Kreationen vorführen und diese spontan per Lieferservice im eigenen nahegelegenen Restaurant bestellen – kommt nur leider telefonisch nicht durch. Nach Hensslers fulminantem Udo Lindenberg-Musikauftritt kommt der TV-Meteorologe Sven Plöger hinzu. Er verspricht Ina Müller, ihr ein Wetterhoch mit obszönen Namen zu schenken, und klärt über das Wesen der berühmten norddeutschen Sturmfrisur auf. Erster Musikgast dieses Abends ist Johannes Oerding, der mit Gitarre, Stimme und im Duett mit Ina Müller einen seiner neuen Songs vorstellt. Den Abend beschließt die Band ‘Jewdyssee’, die jiddische Klassiker mit modernen Club- und Popsounds verbindet. Da wippen auch die 20 Herren des Wilhelmsburger Shanty-Chors die ‘Tampentrekker’ vergnügt vor den Fenstern des ‘Schellfischposten’ mit, wo sie wie immer bei Wind und Wetter auf ihre Einsätze warten. 14 Personen bestreiten das Publikum – mehr passen nicht rein bei ‘Inas Nacht’, aber die dürfen dafür mit Bierdeckel-Fragen ein bisschen mithelfen. Und alle werden wieder bestens versorgt von der Kneipenwirtin Frau Müller – nicht verwandt und verschwägert mit Ina. Klingt leicht chaotisch? Soll es auch!


“And if you´re out of the country and you hear about a bombing? Then suddenly this is the only place I miss”


Hipster or Hassidic? :-)


Most international jewish song

Few month ago one of my colleagues from Moscow asked me if I could tell him which jewish song is the most international one. Surely at first I said Hava Nagila, but few minutes later I remembered the situation, which happened to me in 2008, when we were traveling in Spain with a couple of friends from Ukraine and Georgia and suddenly heard a street musician playing a jewish melody. One girl, who was traveling with us is a krymchack jewish from Simpheropol, she immediately recognized the melody and shouted “Hey, he plays our Chahlari Chahlari!” (Chahlari means “”my people” in krymchacks language). Me and others also have recognized the melody:) For me it was the sephardic “Fel Shara” and the Shabbath prayer “Yoduha Raionai” and for the others it was the “Terk in Amerika”.

Few month later, in Germany, in the greek restaurant I’ve heard absolutely the same song, but in greek.

I was wondering how can it be that almost all kind of Mediterranean jews and even greeks have the same melody and for all of them this is their traditional song?

By researching on Fel Shara I’ve find out that the original melody comes from Spain and it was cabalistic piyut for Shabbath.
After the expulsion of the jews from Spain in 1492 this piyut traveled all over the Western Europe and the Mediterranean. Some music historians are saying that the Sephardic lyrics of “Fel Shara” were written in the 16th or 17th century in some italian harbor city, because it consists not only a mix of several jewish dialects like Volgare (judeo-italian), Xuadit (jewish-french) and Ladino, but also English and Berber.

Later this song was adopted by the greek as “Apo KsenoTopo” and by the turks as Uskundar.

Also Slavic nations of Balkan have adopted this song.

There is an opened question how “Fel Shara” became a “Terk in Amerika”, because in the refrain the klezmers are using the melody of a krymchack “Haytarma” (haytarmas are folk dances of the crimean tatars, krymchak and karaites), so the official version that the Polish and Russian jews adopted this melody from the Sephardi jews from Greece in the US, seems to be not logical, because there was no migration of the krymchacks to the USA in the 19th or the beginning of the 20th century and in the 18th century krymchacks have lost their contact to the romaniot jews of Greece after the Russian conquest of Crimea.

By checking Fel Shara on youtube I’ve find out that this song became a traditional song in all the Mediterranean countries were there was a big number of Sephardic jews until the WW II.

Here is the list of the names of this song:

Yoduha Rainai/Shabbat Kodesh (piyut)
Fel Shara (Sefardí)
Chahlari, Chahlari (Krymchacki)
Terk in America (Klezmer)

Από ξένο τόπο ([Apo Kseno Topo] – From the foreign land) (Greek)
Üsküdar (Turkish)
Ya Banat Iskandaria (The girl from Alexandria) (Arabic)
A bre, mome crnooko (Hey blackeyed) (Croatia?/Bosnia?)
Pogledayme Anadolko (Look at me Anatalian girl) (Bosnia)
Ruse kose curo imaš (You have blond hair) (Serbia)
Ясен месец веч изгрява ([Yasen mesets’ vech izgryava] Bright moon is shining) (Bulgaria)
Ој девојче, ти Тетовско јаболче ([Oy devoyche, ty tetovs’ko yabolche] Oh girl, you are an apple from Tetovske) (Macedonia)
Oј ти Пацо Дреновчанке [Oy ti patso drenovchanke] (Oh you guy from Drenovchanka)



I’m really psyched about this track I did with Y-LOVE’S which features Israeli artist ONILI. It’s definitely the perfect track to re-introduce Y-Love as the first gay rapper to come out of the closet mid-career.

Read the exclusive article in OUT MAGAZINE.



“…you can fool some people some time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time”


Liscensed to Chill


JEWDYSSEE fun! Beltz Interview

unplugged in Berlin, für RTL Documentation mit Bärbel Schäfer. Ausstrahlung 13.08.12