Me cooking the Shabbes dinner

Tonight and tomorrow is the Jewish holiday Shabbat… You know, the day God rested when he created the world. I will start Shabbes with visiting the Great Synagogue in Stockholm. Once every month we have what we call “Cosy, Meditative Kabbalat Shabbat”, an initiative started by our rabbi David Lazar. Among me and my friends he’s also known as “Rabbi Cool”. ;) He’s the rabbi that has made a journey from once being orthodox to being a rabbi for the conservative Jewish Masorti Movement, famous for being the innovative rabbi, who calls him self a feminist and fights for LGBT rights (which perfectly suits my values). So simply, I want to say that this is a special day in many ways, and I’m also very happy to have the opportunity to join a Shabbat service with such an inspiring rabbi (I tell you, if you ever visit Stockholm, you better not miss the “Cosy, Meditative Kabbalat Shabbat” held the first friday every month). We’ll have live music and Lazar plays the congas. Aahhh…

After the service I’ve invited some friends over for a Shabbat dinner at my place. So I’m preparing the food right now. We will have an Israeli / Middle Eastern touch on the food. So I’m making Shakshuka, some home made humus, tahina, roasted shredded chicken… Ok so I guess I’ll have to publish the recipes here someday, for you to try it yourself. I promise I will.

Now, Shabbes is getting closer and I need to get ready.

Shabbat Shalom, y’all!