The Kabbalah Book Of Sex Or Getting To The Orgasm Which “Knocks Your Socks Off”!
“Oh, come on!! Are you gonna teach me (a splendidly experienced guy of 28 years old) how to behave in bed?”, - it was a remark of one of my friend when several months ago I tried to talk to him about relations. It happened after coming back from a marvellous lecture about kosher sex organized by a conservative rabbi in Stockholm.
Frankly speaking, I was a little bit shocked by the question. Is it really so, that nowadays the first idea coming into mind at mentioning of sex is the technical part of the process? Is THAT ALL about it?? Three-four partners sex, sex under drug influence, pornography, sex toys and other sexual perversions. The humanity have tried all of the known body simulators in order to return the novelty of sensations, to reach the divine sexual pick, one had never experienced. And still it’s not enough. Because when the next doze of amphetamine is over, or the endless quantity of gorgeous chicks seizes to excite you, then nobody will help you to restore this blankness in your soul. So maybe the humanity have been looking for the pleasure in the wrong direction? Maybe it’s high time to approach the spiritual part of sex relations?
Kabbalah will help us on this way. Being far from univocal, it still conceals millions of riddles. One can’t interpret it wrong or right, because every exegesis IS UNIQUE. Throw the prejudices about religion being close and narrow-pathed into a trash bin! Kaballah is not a religion, it’s a spiritual system of values. It is not about morality. Kaballah intends to help us “ in finding harmony and retrieving happiness”, it explains the cosmology and how this world is functioning. It helps one to find himself . “Too idealistic picture”, – one would say. “If it is really so, why then the world is not crowded with happy pinkish Duracell-rabbits from a well-know TV advertisement?” . Hey, chill out! The game is not interesting without sophisticated challenges, isn’t it? The same with Kabbalah. Being a powerful tool for achieving what one wants, the wisdom of this doctrine was thoroughly hidden in order not to be abused.
However those spiritually advanced people for whom that Kabbalistic wisdom was addressed have managed to read the mystical signs of Zohar (the main “weapon” of Kabbalists). What we have to do now is just to read, to take into consideration, to analyze, and then it’s up to you whether to accept or not to accept it.
Yehuda Berg, a notorious American kabbalist became a figure of noted interest, because of his accessible and logically built approach, humorous style and easy language. The book which particularly deals with intimate relations between men and women is called “The Kabbalah book of Sex &other mysteries of the universe”. The one and enormous distinction of this book is its approach to sexual relations. Enough with the puritan ideas of sex being shameful, sex needed to be concealed, sex as something impure and sinful. DO you remember where did you leave the trash bin? So add these old-fashioned complexes to the rubbish pile! Because here Sex is considered not only being essentially pure and holly, but even DIVINE! You haven’t misheard, indeed so, DIVINE!
Have we ever thought why we experience SUCH a pleasure during sexual intercourse? What is the nature of orgasm? More or less practiced theorists would say that nevertheless we apply the same equipment (in terms of properties) and the same physical process (which is friction), the result varies from the worst (frustration and emptiness) to the best (so called Seventh Heaven, which sometimes has nothing to do with orgasm). So far lets leave aside the technical side of the question. Consider sex as a building of a new house. The materials can be perfect, the builders skillful and capable, but after the work is finished and you face the result, nobody guaranties you being satisfied. The cornerstone I am pointing to is spiritualizing of the work. If you or your builder planned the project in advance, putting all your efforts, all your creativity and imagination into the future building (in this context meaning “spiritualizing the material”), so you chances for success increase tremendously. Now project back to Sex and Kabbalah.
If you still think that Sex is about tools, I am here to disillusion you. But in case you consider knowledge and spiritual energy to be the tools, you have definitely got to the point.
According to Berg’s characteristic for the main idea of his book, it’s “4 000 years of comprehensive kabbalistic study, once understood only by the greatest minds in history, condensed here into a few simple points”.
So what are those actual “simple points” in terms of sex? The key idea of Kabbalah according to Berg lies in the tight interrelationship between the upper world (or the Seventh Heaven, or the Hidden world, or the 99 percent reality) and the down world (or the Human one, the 1 percent reality we are living in). So in the very moment when these two realities – the upper and the down world - unite, our souls directly connect to light and as a result the divine pleasure flows into the bodies, being named “orgasm”. Too mystique and vague? Lets start from the very beginning.
Because actually in the beginning there was
Everyone undoubtedly remembers the story about Adam, Eve and Gan Eden. And I am quite convinced that you are pretty sure that here we encounter the first sexual intercourse since the Earth was created. However it’s not indeed so. Lets deep for a moment into Kabbalistic cosmology .
The beginning
First there was light, the essence of endless happiness. The light created an infinite soul to receive the happiness. This resulted in the perfect sexual union. However the different natures of the light (sharing) versus soul (receiving) suddenly created separation.
The soul stopped receiving the light in order to remove the single trait that was causing all the separation – receiving. This is called resistance. That removed 99 percent of the light. But a residue of light (1 percent reality we are living in) remained.
Withdrawal of the light
In response to the soul resisting the light, the light withdrew. The big bang boomed creating space including our universe.
Ten curtains (or dimensions)
Ten drapes were hung up in order to create the space. They configure as follows:
- the upper three, which include seventh heaven
- the middle six dimensions also known as the garden of Eden
- our physical universe of darkness and death
The game in the garden
The one soul dwelt in our garden just above our universe. The soul had to finish resisting the remaining desire to receive. Resisting desire would allow the soul to completely emulate the creator – who has no desire at all – and become just like god (or the mystique all-mighty power which created the light)
The adversary
The angelic force the serpent was created to challenge and prevent the soul from resisting the desire to receive; the adversary tricked the soul into receiving selfishly.
The deception
The adversary told the soul it could connect to the full intensity of pleasure if it did so for the purpose of sharing . This was true and it was accomplished through a sexual connection between the soul and the angel, who was really a surrogate for the light. They engaged in sex. Not a problem - at first. But then suddenly the soul’s desire skyrocketed into extreme selfishness when it began to experience this AMAZING pleasure. As a result a second connection to this pleasure proved too much for the soul to handle. It was like plugging a lamp directly into nuclear power plant
The shattering of the soul
The soul blew its circuits and split in two creating male and female energies: Adam and Eve the two halves of the one soul continued shattering into countless sparks which included all the souls of humanity.
The purpose of life
Individual souls must now carry out the work of transformation which consists of eradicating selfishness from their nature and learning how to receive for the sake of sharing. Receiving for the sake of sharing is considered to be a pure act of sharing. Thus the soul and the light can reunite. Thus we can reach the Seventh heaven and divine pleasure. And even more then this.
Yes, we are living in mostly physical and material reality of 1 % value. But according to Berg, it’s totally on us whether to gift the warmth and energy of our souls at least to those we love. And among all the gifts, sex possess the strongest energy to give happiness. But only the 100 % sex, the spiritualized one, the non-abusive and deeply sharing.
Sharing, we reunite with the Light we “tap into the hidden reality, when sexual excitement is powerful. Anticipation is breathless. Foreplay is electric. When orgasm knocks your socks off!”. I guess it’s worth trying, isn’t it?
The article is written according to the ideas of Yehuda Berg and his the book “The Kabbalah book of Sex and other mysterious of the Universe”. All the rights are reserved by the author.
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